Stochastic Processes, Detection, and Estimation
The goal of this course was to develop analytical tools for the modeling and analysis of random phenomena and the application of these tools to a range of problems arising in engineering, manufacturing, and operations research. Emphasis was placed on hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, and nonparametric methods.
Course topics included:
MMSE/MAP/MLE Estimation
Cramer-Rao Bound
Vector Estimation
Bayes Linear Least Squares Estimation
Binary and M-Ary Hypothesis Testing
Asymptotic Analysis of Likelihood Ratio Tests
Composite Hypothesis Testing
Random Processes (RPs)
Stationarity/Moment Analysis of RPs
IID Processes
Markov Processes
Discrete Time Markov Chains
Bernoulli/Poisson/Wiener Processes
LSI Systems/WSS Processes
Power Spectral Density
Cross-Spectral Density & Optimal Estimation
(Non)Causal Wiener Filter
Discrete Wiener Filters
Stochastically Modeling MBE
Beyond examinations and problem sets, a final paper was also required for this course. I elected to write mine on stochastically modeling molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). A short video from my simulations can be seen below. It shows the simulated growth of one layer of a crystal lattice using MBE, where the black dots represent individual atoms. Islands can be seen nucleating.
Below this, the full paper is available for reading.